Sunday, August 20, 2017

Real Eyes Realize Real Truth

Real Eyes, Realize, Real Truth

It's been about a year ago that I started my own tutoring business. I got the word around that I would help anyone's children in any subject they were having a hard time on. I never imagined how in demand I would be last year. This year school is just beginning and it's been slow. Little by little my kids are getting their school clothes and I'm trying to catch up with bills. What I mean to say is that once a mother has that determination in her that her kids will not stay without, it's hard to break me. Their father has not helped me out with a single penny in almost 4 years and I'm pretty used to it already. I'm just so happy God gave me the brains he did so I could continue and not have everything my kids needs all because I depended on a man before. Now, he calls and it's depending on me if I have money to put into his phone, and if I don't then he will go without talking to his kids for a while. We single women have to do what we have to do for the well being of our kids, we do not a man to depend on to move forward. Visit my Facebook
page for tutoring info in Douglas, AZ.